Ice-cream machines checks, a good habit

At the end of the summer season, it is a good idea to undertake checks on ice cream machines and workshop equipment. There are several good reasons for this: let’s have a look at some of them in this post, together with some measures that will ensure a good outcome.

There are many machines used for the production of ice creams, creams and sorbets. Every day ice cream makers use several tools for many hours, so it is obvious that equipment such as the Ice cream machines need to be cared for to ensure they are efficient for a long time.

When the ice-cream parlour is closed, both at the end of the season and before the summer opening, it is a good idea to have a complete check-up of all the machines done by specialised technicians certified to work on the brand in question. Choosing to do a full check when you are not producing ice cream is always better. By doing so there is no risk of disruption of production during the season, which could halt business for days or even weeks. This would inevitably result in a financial loss that sometimes could be substantial.

Undertaking a checking up means the machine is more efficient with any necessary replacements made and periodic maintenance carried out. This translates into direct financial savings, both due to the prevention of sudden breakages and the energy savings achieved. Clean and well-maintained machinery ensures more efficient power consumption, thus lower costs.

Replacing deteriorated or damaged parts, thoroughly cleaning the components and fixing any minor malfunctions are essential to keep the machine as it was when it came out of the factory. In artisan ice-cream parlour production areas machines with twenty or thirty years of honourable service can be found, thanks to periodic maintenance they still work perfectly.

Overhaul of Ice cream machines

Ice cream machines must be thoroughly inspected at least once a year by a specialised technician. Depending on the type of equipment and the brand, the experts must examine the moving parts, seals and the parts that are most subject to wear and tear. Seals and moving parts must be carefully lubricated with specific products. Switches, any taps and water connections must also be examined. Particular attention must be paid to the control panel of the refrigeration system and heating elements. A deep cleaning of the condensers is also necessary. Put yourselves in the hands of a qualified and trained personnel is always a smart choice.

Overhauls of ice cream machines in Italy and Abroad

Argenta offers the assistance of technicians specialised in production machinery by phone and on site both in Italy and abroad. With regular scheduled trips to Austria, Germany and Switzerland, our technicians visit ice cream parlours during the year based on requests received by the company.
Periodically – usually at the end and beginning of the season – the technicians collect the machinery to be overhauled during the months of closure of the ice cream parlours and then return them before the opening of the next season.

And you? Have you already booked your complete overhaul of the machinery and production equipment?

Send us an email or call us!



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